Environmental Impact Assessments


We provide all the biodiversity related aspects for greenfield development assessments of the potential direct and indirect impacts associated with the proposed development for the purpose of gaining approval from either local, State or Federal government.

These can be small scale for residential developments (e.g. a small single block removing enough vegetation to put a house in) or large for infrastructure or urban developments (e.g. >100ha of vegetation removal).  

Detailed desktop assessments which investigate, threatened species, communities & their habitats within the site and surrounding region.

Flora surveys, utilising Biodiversity Assessment Methodology (BAM) plots, Rapid Data Points (RDPs) and targeted threatened flora searches.

Fauna surveys, utilising small mammal trapping, harp traps / Anabats, bird and herpetofauna surveys, spotlighting, call playback and habitat assessments.

Feasibility assessments, ecological constraints analysis and due diligence assessments – through to Biodiversity Impact Assessments, EPBC Referrals/preliminary documentation, Species Impacts Statements and Biodiversity Stewardship Site assessments.

Our BAM accredited Ecologist classifies vegetation communities and delivers high quality reports to our clients.